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发布时间:   来源: 对外传播中心


















The series of multimedia program "Touching The Greater Bay Area"has launched! A group of outstanding students from prestigious British universities such as Oxford,Cambridge,Imperial College London,and University College London visited the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area during the summer of2024.They undertook a wonderful journey that tantalized their taste buds with delectable food,explored the treasures of intangible cultural heritage,immersed themselves in a green ecosystem,experienced artificial intelligence,and felt the pulse of innovative education during their summer vacation. 

Through the unique perspectives of these British university students, "Touching The Greater Bay Area" soars through the sky and dives deep into the sea to experience the infinite charm of the Greater Bay Area,witnessing the beauty and vitality of this land!

From September28to October26,the GBA Satellite Channel (Overseas Edition)will air the program every Saturday at22:26,stay tuned!


总监制:李子俊 王东辉


编导:陈可  岑葆明



编导助理:许卓芝  周咨妤  冯雪怡

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