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The 14th PhotoChina
Original International Photographic
Exhibition Launches in Guizhou Zhenyuan



On September 29th, 2021, Colorful Guizhou: The 14th PhotoChina Original International Photographic Exhibition (as PhotoChina Exhibition)’s opening ceremony launches in Guizhou Zhenyuan.




Since 2008, PhotoChina Exhibition is the only international photo exhibition that focuses on protecting Intangible Cultural Heritage and promoting the development of Original Culture Theory in the world. In the last decade, PhotoChina Exhibition had held more than 500 exhibitions, collected over 100,000 works from photographers and photography organizations worldwide, and also arranged more than 160 trips of shooting inspiration and communication activities.

本届大展以“红色百年 绿色贵州”为主题,分图片展和视频展。2000余幅摄影作品和200余个视频作品,展现了百年来中国百姓变化和多彩贵州新面貌。其中,《百年·百姓——中国百姓生活影像大展》以百年百姓生活的“小切口”,围绕百姓衣食住行、生产生活的变化,真实展现百年来中国社会发生的伟大变革。“绿色贵州”专题展区,则以“绿色胜境、金色乡村、流光溢彩、水光潋滟、琥珀匠心”板块呈现贵州新画卷。


“Centurial Glory, Natural Guizhou” is the theme of the 14th PhotoChina Exhibition. The exhibition is combined by two parts, which are the image part and the video part with over 2000 photos and 200 videos with the aim of indicating the great changes of Chinese people’s daily lives and the new look of Guizhou’s society. For example, “Citizens in the 100 Years: Images of Chinese Citizens’ Lives” as one theme of the photo part, it demonstrates how the society changes by focusing on people’s dressing, food, hobbies, transportation, and commodity producing in order to showcase how the society of China evolves in the past 100 years. On the other hand, the theme “Natural Guizhou” exhibits the spectacular views of Guizhou, and it separates into 5 parts that are “Nature’s Emerald,” “Gold is The New Green of Villages,” “Illumination,” “Glowing Transparent Mirror,” and “Ingenuity.”



Hua Yuan, the prime inspector of Publicity Department Of Guizhou Provincial Party Committees, expresses his impression about Guizhou in his speech that Guizhou is a sacred land full of happiness and treasures of the nature. Also, Guizhou leaves an unforgettable stamp of social changes and breaks the stereotype of poverty. In other words, Guizhou is a province of a grand natural park that full of great mountains and clear rivers. On this land, hence, there will be more magnificent views and memorable stories that are worth to be recorded and to be told by images. Guizhou will insist in building another impressive exhibition; to tell the world the myths of Guizhou.



Guangxiong Tao, the editor-in-chief of China News Service (CNS), states that CNS fully utilizes its own resources of “Global Distribution” to help PhotoChina Exhibition set foot on the U.S.A., the Great Britain, French, and over 10 other countries. After hosting global photo exhibitions over 30 times, PhotoChina Exhibition has built a bridge that connects Guizhou and the the world. In the future, lenses of cameras will be like a “pen,” and images will be like a “language,” and they will keep writing the Chinese stories on the land of Guizhou; to let the outside hear the voice of Guizhou and China.




Fang Li, the vice director of Guizhou Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, praises Guizhou’s unique mountains and rivers, special ethnicity and cultures. In fact, Guizhou owns abundant natural and cultural resources, so this land is promoting the industrial transformation of tourism with the entire province’s endorsement. In the future, PhotoChina Exhibition will still be the platform for experiencing the high quality traveling activities and advancing the communication between Guizhou and the cultures overseas. In the standpoint of Qin Gao, the secretary-general of China Photographers Association, Guizhou possesses a strong historical background of the Second Sino-Japanese War, ethnic cultures, and majestic views of the nature. Therefore, this land has extremely affluent photographic contents, and hope more photographers from all around the world can come to Guizhou for the distinctive photo shooting experience.



Zhenyuan County as the host of the 14th PhotoChina Exhibition, its secretary of county committee, Jiasheng Long states that Zhenyuan is a famous ancient town of China. The exhibition launches in Zhenyuan and utilizes images to convey how original and charming that Guizhou is. PhotoChina Exhibition helps the world to focus on more of Guizhou’s views, and it also helps advancing Guizhou’s tourism to another level. Consequently, the ancient town Zhenyuan will see PhotoChina Exhibition as a new origin to initiate the act of integrating into the international market; then developing and also protecting the nature in Zhenyuan’s new future.

海外摄影师代表Adam Crase (亚当·克雷斯)

“一幅幅作品生动展示了百年中国的沧桑巨变、百年贵州的跨越发展,站在观者的角度,我被作品中透出的昂扬生命力深深震撼。”与中国结缘13年的国际摄影师Adam Clayton Crase说,这些年有幸亲历中国的发展变化,也很开心看到贵州被越来越多的人熟悉,大展让更多外国人通过影像关注贵州、走进贵州,并通过贵州更好地了解中国。

“The images here indicate the tremendous changes of China, Guizhou’s transformation, and Citizens’ striving in the past 100 years. As a spectator, I am strongly moved by the powers that come from these photos,” the American photographer Adam Clayton Crase said. What is more, Mr. Crase was impressed when he witnessed the change of China after he lived 13 years in this country, and he is glad to see Guizhou is becoming more familiar to people overseas.


This time, the PhotoChina Exhibition gives its first try on the short-films screening section in order to reflect the times’ greatness with more creative practices and more vivid contents. For the purpose of enhancing Guizhou’s impact to the young generation worldwide, PhotoChina brings out an original talk show—“Chinese and Overseas Teenage Narrators—Tell The Story of China (Guizhou) in Any Language!” The exhibition, moreover, conducts an academic seminar for the young generation can learn better about Guizhou’s historical background.



 The 14th PhotoChina Original International Photographic Exhibition is sponsored by the Publicity Department of Guizhou Provincial Party Committees, China News Service, and Guizhou Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism; it is organized by Zhenyuan Country Party Committee, Zhenyuan Country People’s Government, PhotoChina Exhibition Organizing Committee (Attached to China News Service Guizhou Agency).

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