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Guangdong announces new energy industry as new trillion-yuan industrial cluster

发布时间:   来源: GD TODAY
On March 6, Huang Kunming, Secretary of the CPC Guangdong Provincial Committee, announced that Guangdong welcomed the new energy industry as its ninth trillion-yuan industrial cluster in 2024 at the open day event of the Guangdong delegation in Beijing during China's ongoing third session of the 14th National People's Congress.

As a major economic, manufacturing, and technology hub, Guangdong has remained steadfast in its commitment to the real economy and manufacturing sector. Guangdong encompasses all 31 national industrial categories, with 15 ranking first nationwide in scale. The province has developed eight industrial clusters with annual industrial output valued at more than 1 trillion yuan each, including next-generation electronic information, light industry and textiles, materials, petrochemicals, agriculture and food, home appliances, software and information services, and automobiles.  

Key industries such as electronics and information, petrochemicals, and home appliances continue to lead nationwide, with their value-added growth rates reaching 13.4%, 7.1%, and 5.9%, respectively, in 2024, having cemented their positions as the pillars of Guangdong's industrial structure, according to a report on Guangdong's modern industrial system released by the Guangdong Provincial Development and Reform Commission last month.

Reporter | Guo Chuhua, Hu Nan

Cover image | Xinhua

Editor |   Ouyang Yan, James, Shen He
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