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Guangdong boasts all major categories of manufacturing

发布时间:   来源: GD TODAY
"Guangdong has a comprehensive industrial system. The 15th National Games will be co-hosted by Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao this year. We are also fully capable of holding the "National Games" of industrial system competition." Huang Kunming, Secretary of the CPC Guangdong Provincial Committee, said at the Provincial High-quality Development Conference on February 5, the first working day after the Chinese New Year holiday, in Guangzhou.

Huang pointed out: "Guangdong boasts all major categories of manufacturing, with traditional industries, emerging industries, and future industries developing in unison. It has cultivated eight trillion-yuan-scale industrial clusters. The added value of the new economy accounts for more than one-quarter, and high-tech manufacturing accounts for nearly one-third. Last year, the secondary industry contributed 48% to economic growth."
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