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China Xplained | China's consumption is still strong, here's why

发布时间:   来源: GD TODAY
In 2024, many parts of the global economy are underperforming. The reasons are multifold.

Earlier last year, global banks warned that China might miss its 2024 economic targets, with sluggish consumer spending taking much of the blame.

However, it's not all doom and gloom. Right here in Guangdong, China's economic powerhouse, the story is different.

This episode of China Xplained will take a look at consumption in the province, and explore the challenges and new potentials of one of the world's biggest consumer markets.

Reporter: Xie Hongzhou, Qin Shaolong, Deng Yingheng

Cameramen: Qin Shaolong, Deng Yingheng

Video: Qin Shaolong

Poster: Xie Hongzhou
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